Saturday, December 29, 2012

Books? Where we're going, we don't need books...

I never thought I'd say this as a teacher- but I'm putting away the books, for GOOD.  Not all of the books, mind you (in fact, I'm reading To Kill a Mockingbird with Beck as we type). Nope, just the ones that are marketed toward parents.  You know, the Spock-ish, "what to expect" kinds.  Why?  Because I don't need them.  I've got something that no book, blog, website, or magazine can publish- common sense.  Mom-stincts.  Whatever you want to call it, it's already proven to be far more accurate, not to mention less fear inducing, than those parenting books.  (That, and I have my own Mom and the doc on speed dial.  We've got this covered.)

Monday, December 17, 2012

Remember the Victims

Up until now, I couldn't even think about, much less talk about, this tragedy.  I kept picturing my classrooms over the years, and the little faces I've seen, and I couldn't imagine something like that happening to such wonderful people.  Or I'd look at Beck and Ashley, and think of the devastation I'd feel as a parent.  I couldn't even comprehend it all.  But now that time has passed, I think that it is so incredibly important to focus on honoring those whose lives were lost last Friday. There's so much more to be said about things like mental health care, gun safety, and the like, but the fact remains that the world lost 27 beautiful spirits last week. 
Sandy Hook Elementary victims

Friday, December 7, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Another Ashley first! (No food pictures though...we were too busy eating it!)

It's that time of year- the Christmas music comes out!

Hope Floats

Ashley is just a baby. (I'm aware that you already knew that.) While she is in this helpless stage, my main job- besides loving her to pieces- is to protect her and make sure that she thrives.  I think I'm doing okay in that area.  But every now and then, my mind wanders into thoughts about her future.  As she grows and becomes more and more independent, my job shifts and grows as well.  I will become less and less the protector, and more and more the guide.  I'm okay with this role (for now... I'm still wrapping my head around the fact that she already tops 2 feet tall, much less the thought of her being on her own).  Then a question popped up- how will I handle her being hurt?  Not the bruisy, oops-I-fell-and-skinned-my-knee variety, but the I-wanna-curl-into-a-ball-and-disappear kind of hurt.  The kind that makes you feel like you'll never be happy or confident again.

I actually hope she experiences pain.  Not all of the time, mind you!  Not even some of the time, really.  But just enough so that the triumphs seem that much more sweet.  I'm consistently taken aback by the entitlement attitude of some folks.  As if the world owes them a constant stream of successes and gratification.  What they are unaware of is the deep down, through-to-your-bones, soul lifting elation that is only possible when a person rises out of some kind of tribulation.  I want my daughters to experience true, earned success, and I can't wait to celebrate those successes with them!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Andy and Kellie's Wedding

November 17, 2012 - Fern Forest Nature Center