Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A P.S. and a P.S.A.

(P.S. Our "cancer" is averted!  At least for now... let's hope that holds true for Janice's sister Amy as she battles breast cancer.  Her chances for a positive prognosis are good, but fingers, toes, and all other crossable body parts are currently crossed... and prayers and thoughts are definitely flowing her way.)

"Why can't you just [insert random errand/night out/event here]?"

There's a reason why I never asked this of parent friends of mine, back in the P.B. (pre-baby) days.  It seemed to me that it didn't take a brain surgeon or rocket scientist- or, in homage to Sheldon Cooper, a theoretical physicist- to understand that when you have a child, all concept of unadulterated freedom goes out the changing table window.

Yet I still manage to get some version of this question on a pretty regular basis.  Usually, people are astute enough to know that Paul and I can't go to a concert or a club at a moment's notice.  But why not the grocery store?  Or the mall? To pick up someone? Go out to eat?

Here's the PSA, for the simultaneously clueless and childless* people out there:
My schedule, and therefore my household's schedule, is dictated by feedings, sleepiness, fussiness, diaper changes, and/or naps.  I am at the mercy of a 12-pound, 22-inch tyrant known as our beautiful baby girl.  I couldn't be happier about this; I'm sorry if that messes with your idea of what I should be able to do. 

Now mind you, Ashley is a fairly easy-going baby.  We are able to take her to a restaurant or the mall if we want to meet up with friends or family.  It's the "at a moment's notice" stuff that is currently out the window.

So if, in the past three months, you've ever asked me the above-mentioned question and you didn't understand my look of combined exasperation and amusement... well, the more you know. 

*I say clueless and childless because there are plenty of childless people out there who are not at all clueless...

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